Broken lances are well trained and experienced professional soldiers, protected by plate armour, armed with lances and swords. 独立枪骑兵是经验丰富军纪严明的职业部队,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪和长剑。
Wearing white surcoats with a black cross emblazoned on them, encased in heavy mail or plate armour, wielding lances and large maces, these knights love a good melee. 这些骑士身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持骑枪和大型狼牙棒,极其热衷近身肉搏厮杀。
Well equipped heavy cavalry with plate armour and a lance. 意大利重骑兵是装备板甲和骑枪的重装骑兵。
The Feudal Knight is used to crush opposing infantry and to ride down enemy cavalry until the later appearance of plate armour. 金属板甲出现之前,这些封建骑士被用来压碎敌人步兵和赶上敌人的骑兵。
These well trained warriors are protected by plate armour and wield a mighty two-handed sword. 双手剑士身穿板甲,挥动双手巨剑,极为训练有素。
Encased in plate armour, shield and barding, and armed with lance and shield, these elite warriors a capable of deadly charges and are deadly in hand to hand whether mounted or on foot. 由板甲、大盾和马铠,保护着,持着骑枪和盾,这些精锐部队可以发动强力冲锋,也可以骑马或步行进行肉搏战。
An elite and powerful fighting order of well trained knights wearing heavy mail or plate armour and armed with a lance. 这些骑士身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持沉重骑枪,是战法娴熟实力强大的精锐军事组织。
Renowned for their swordsmanship, these infantrymen are protected by light armour, or later plate armour and an open helmet. 这些步兵以剑法而闻名,他们的铠甲在开始的时候是轻装盔甲,后来改用板甲和敞开式头盔。
Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵亲卫骑兵是忠诚的贵族卫队,装备板甲和骑枪。
Plate armour is called a "harness", and it requires a Master Armourer to make and fit it to a soldier. 板甲又名全身甲,需要盔甲大师为士兵度身定造。
Skilled Danish halberd unit armoured in plate armour. 奥博德夏戟兵是身穿板甲的丹麦精锐部队。
The truth is even at close range a longbow wont pierce plate armour. 事实是,即使很近的距离内,长弓依然无法穿透板甲。
Armed with lances and encased in plate armour they are fierce and loyal warriors. 他们装备板甲和骑枪,忠心耿耿,极为骁勇善战。
Protected by plate armour these units are very good at riding down archers and infantry. 身着板甲的他们善于冲击弓箭手和步兵。
These highly respected and feared troops wear plate armour and are armed with a lance and a sword. 波兰卫队身穿板甲,手持骑枪和长剑,令人敬畏有加。
Strong Scottish melee unit armed with sword and shield and wearing plate armour. 贵族剑士身穿板甲,手持长剑和盾牌,攻防能力俱佳。
They are well disciplined professional soldiers who fight as heavy cavalry with unbroken lances, and are well protected by the finest Italian plate armour. 他们是军纪严明的职业重装骑兵,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪杀入敌阵。
Not only are they heavily armoured in plate armour and armed with a billhook, they are trained to be more effective units in combat as well. 不光因为他们身披重装板甲,手握长刀,同时它们也更为训练有素。
Wearing mail, or early plate armour and wielding lances, these elite troops fear little on the battlefield and make fearsome opponents. 他们身穿链甲或早期板甲,手持骑枪,在战场上纵横驰骋,令敌军望而生畏。
Well protected in their plate armour, and armed with a lance and sword, they pack a powerful charge on the battlefield, while being difficult to kill. 他们身穿板甲,装备骑枪和长剑,冲锋威力强大,生命力顽强。
Tomb figures of this period often represent foreigners from Western or Central Asia wearing helmets and scale or plate armour which would have been made of metal or lacquered leather. 这一时期的守墓人经常刻画成西方或者中亚的外国人,他们带着头盔,身着鳞甲或者拿着用金属或者漆皮做成的盾牌。
A soldier, especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms. Well equipped with good plate armour and lances these elite cavalry are arguably the ultimate knights. 士兵士兵,尤指中世纪时装备重武器的骑兵由良好的板甲和骑枪武装,这些精英部队与终极骑士不相上下。
The combination of full plate armour, and later magnificent gothic armour, a fully armoured horse and a lance, make these elite warriors mobile killing machines. 复合全身板甲或哥特战甲,以及沉重骑枪和坚固马铠,令这些精锐骑兵成为彻头彻尾的杀戮机器。
Protected by plate armour and armed with a sword this heavy infantry unit can fight mounted or on foot. 受到板甲保护、携带利剑的重步兵可以骑马或步行作战。
Well equipped with good plate armour and lances these elite cavalry are arguably the ultimate knights. 由良好的板甲和骑枪武装,这些精英部队与终极骑士不相上下。
These mace-wielding fighting machines wear plate armour and are equipped with lances for a deadly charge. 这些挥舞狼牙棒的杀戮机器装备全钢板甲,冲锋威力恐怖无比。
These well trained and elite troops are well equipped with plate armour and lances, making them a fearsome addition to any Polish army. 这些骑士装备精良板甲和骑枪,是训练有素的精锐骑兵,为波兰军队之杀手镧。
Plate armour, however, is highly desirable as the protection it offers is excellent. 尽管如此复杂,全身板甲由于其极佳防护能力仍为诸多战士所青睐。
Depleted uranium ( DU) has applied in plate armour reinforce and DU armour piercing bomb manufacture in military field. 贫铀在军事上主要用于加固装甲和制造贫铀弹。